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Expanding our Knowledge Base for our BFFs

Woof Creek Co-Founders, Lisa + Scot, began taking their own 'pet health matters' into their own hands when their oldest fur kiddo, Lily, suffered severe allergies. Finding trusted animal professionals with expanded certifications in cleaner alternative modalities not only changed their Lily's life, it has now changed thousands of pets' lives throughout the USA and beyond.

The books here are a few of the pivotal resources that made the difference.

Can my dog have eggs fresh from the farm?

Farm fresh hen eggs brown with freckles can my dog have eggs

Asking yourself "can my dog have eggs" and "what about fresh eggs"? The simple answer is yes! Like so many mammals, dogs are predators, but also opportunists that would’ve never passed up a nest of nutrition in the wild. Shell and all! Many of us nowadays keep a close eye on what goes in our dog’s mouth and don’t allow them to wander too far to find a fallen nested treasure. Although our own Lily has stolen at least 2 eggs from my hens that I know of, I suspect more. Nonetheless, eggs are a great source of nutrition for your dog, and studies show that the closer you get them from your local farm, the more nutritious they can be.  

All chicken eggs have, more or less, the same chemical make-up, but fresh eggs from hens that are allowed to roam and forage have more nutritional benefits where it counts. Studies show several advantages to farm-fresh eggs, including:

  • less cholesterol
  • less saturated fat
  • increased vitamins A, E, and D
  • more omega-3 fatty acids
  • more beta carotene

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to your dog’s day-to-day functions and help to prevent several chronic diseases. Why do small-farm and free-range eggs have more fatty acids? Like our chickens, free-range hens eat things such as bugs, leafy greens, corn, and flowers—ingredients absent from the diet of caged hens. As "they" say, a happy hen lays better eggs. 

Eggs are truly one of nature's first supplements. A chewable capsule full of nutrition, with the capsule itself being packed with calcium and other minerals. When boiled or cooked, they make excellent treats or dietary supplements for dogs. Not only are eggs a healthy and nutritious snack for dogs, but they can also even help settle upset stomachs. Talk to your veterinarian about how many eggs to feed your dog per day. While eggs are generally safe for most dogs, overfeeding your dog can result in obesity and other health problems.

So, Can my dog have eggs fresh from the farm? We say yes!