Easy and Affordable Low Hanging Fruit for Your Pet's Health!

Easy and Affordable Low Hanging Fruit for Your Pet's Health!

Read on for some easy and affordable routine changes to optimize your pet’s health! 


🐾 Use filtered water and wash water bowls daily: Providing the best possible source of water is best for all of our internal systems, and kKeeping your pet’s water bowls clean and providing them with the best possible source of water willcan help reduce the riskamount of bacteria and parasites in theiryour pet’s bowls.providing them with the best possible source of water is best for all internal systems. Check out our blog post, “Water 101: The importance of maintaining cleanliness and choosing the right water bowl for your pets,” to learn more about the importance of keeping water bowls sanitary!

🐾🐾 Remove or reduce in-home chemicals: Many common household items like scented plug-ins, laundry detergents and household cleaners contain chemicals that can be harmful to your pets (and to you!) Switching to chemical-free alternatives will help reduce the amount of harmful inhalants in your home. 

🐾🐾🐾 Avoid pesticides: If you have a yard or lawn that your pets spend a lot of time playing or lounging in, consider discontinuing the use of pesticides. When walking pets, avoiding lawns that use pesticides (signs are often posted) and avoiding places like golf courses, which often use heavy amounts of pesticides, can help reduce your pet’s exposure to these harmful chemicals.

🐾🐾🐾🐾 Add whole food ingredientss to your pet’s diet: Adding foods like eggs (raw or cooked!), kefir, dark berries and green vegetables (like the parts of your heads of broccoli that you would otherwise compost or toss!) to your pet’s diet can help provide health boosting and balancing nutrients and add variety to mealtimes while encouraging them to eat and love their meals!