Empowerment for Pet Parents

Dr. Karen Becker DVM

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Dr. Judy Morgan DVM

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Example titleDr. Conor Brady

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Expanding our Knowledge Base for our BFFs

Woof Creek Co-Founders, Lisa + Scot, began taking their own 'pet health matters' into their own hands when their oldest fur kiddo, Lily, suffered severe allergies. Finding trusted animal professionals with expanded certifications in cleaner alternative modalities not only changed their Lily's life, it has now changed thousands of pets' lives throughout the USA and beyond.

The books here are a few of the pivotal resources that made the difference.

Quick Tips For Any Picky Eaters!

Quick Tips For Any Picky Eaters!

Do you have a four-legged picky eater? Some cats and dogs can be picky regardless of their diet. Read on for our top tips to get your fur baby licking their bowls clean!

One 🐾: Adding enticing and aromatic whole foods to your pet's meal is a great way to encourage them to eat more! Foods like eggs (raw or cooked!), kefir, dark berries and vegetables are nutritious and can be used to add important variety to mealtimes while encourage eating! 

Two 🐾🐾: Try a slow feeder, snuffle mat or a puzzle feeder! These bowls and mats are made to encourage pets to work for their food. There are many different types of slow feeders that serve different purposes and help cats and dogs utilize their natural instincts when eating. This makes meal times more interesting and can encourage disinterested pets to eat.

Three 🐾🐾🐾: If it is difficult getting your all important supplements or adaptogens into your finicky fido or feline, mix the essential powder or liquid ingredient with filtered water or a (salt-free) favorite broth, and give with via this plastic oral syringe. Having your fur kiddo sit facing forward between you legs, and gently tilting his or her head back, then place the tip of the syringe between the back molars, the solution will slide down the throat without issue (we want a stress free application for the fur baby and for you!)