Empowerment for Pet Parents

Dr. Karen Becker DVM

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Dr. Judy Morgan DVM

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Example titleDr. Conor Brady

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Expanding our Knowledge Base for our BFFs

Woof Creek Co-Founders, Lisa + Scot, began taking their own 'pet health matters' into their own hands when their oldest fur kiddo, Lily, suffered severe allergies. Finding trusted animal professionals with expanded certifications in cleaner alternative modalities not only changed their Lily's life, it has now changed thousands of pets' lives throughout the USA and beyond.

The books here are a few of the pivotal resources that made the difference.

Tips For A Pest-Free Fall

Tips For A Pest-Free Fall

Tips to keep the pests off your pets this fall! 

🐾 Use an all-natural topical bug spray like our Flea + Tick Defense Repel + Protect before high-risk outings. 

🐾🐾 Avoid hitting the trails at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most present and active. 

🐾🐾🐾 Avoid Leaf piles and tall grass (and similar places where fleas and ticks tend to congregate!)

🐾🐾🐾🐾 Check out our blog post, “Entering Flea + Tick Season with All the Facts: Understand the Options” for more tips on natural pest prevention to help you and your fur baby enjoy the fall weather without worry.