Empowerment for Pet Parents

Dr. Karen Becker DVM

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Dr. Judy Morgan DVM

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Expanding our Knowledge Base for our BFFs

Woof Creek Co-Founders, Lisa + Scot, began taking their own 'pet health matters' into their own hands when their oldest fur kiddo, Lily, suffered severe allergies. Finding trusted animal professionals with expanded certifications in cleaner alternative modalities not only changed their Lily's life, it has now changed thousands of pets' lives throughout the USA and beyond.

The books here are a few of the pivotal resources that made the difference.

Tips To Reduce Itching In Our Pets!

Tips To Reduce Itching In Our Pets!

Have an itchy pet? Here are our top tips for reducing itchiness in pets and restoring their comfort! 

🐾 Paw + Belly Wipe Down: Wipe down your fur baby’s paws and other sensitive areas after outings to remove allergens and prevent itching. Use 1:1 Apple Cider Vinegar (anti-microbial/antifungal!) + Filtered Water, then spray on a natural fiber wash cloth. 

🐾🐾 Epsom Salt Soak: Soaking your dog’s paws in an Epsom salt soak can both soothe itchiness and irritation AND promote healing. 

🐾🐾🐾 Use a topical solution: If your pet is itchy in specific areas or has a hot spot, dry skin or rash, try a topical solution like our moisturizing, healing, anti-microbial Boo Boo Balm

🐾🐾🐾🐾 Focus on relief from within: Re-balancing your pet’s gut can help treat the source of allergies. Many times, allergies present as a result of internal imbalances. Feeding a healthy, species-appropriate diet and incorporating health supplements can help to balance your pet’s gut and heal them from within! 

🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾Dig deep with this Vet-Guided Allergy Protocol.