Tips To Reduce Itching In Our Pets!

Have an itchy pet? Here are our top tips for reducing itchiness in pets and restoring their comfort!
🐾 Paw + Belly Wipe Down: Wipe down your fur baby’s paws and other sensitive areas after outings to remove allergens and prevent itching. Use 1:1 Apple Cider Vinegar (anti-microbial/antifungal!) + Filtered Water, then spray on a natural fiber wash cloth.
🐾🐾 Epsom Salt Soak: Soaking your dog’s paws in an Epsom salt soak can both soothe itchiness and irritation AND promote healing.
🐾🐾🐾 Use a topical solution: If your pet is itchy in specific areas or has a hot spot, dry skin or rash, try a topical solution like our moisturizing, healing, anti-microbial Boo Boo Balm.
🐾🐾🐾🐾 Focus on relief from within: Re-balancing your pet’s gut can help treat the source of allergies. Many times, allergies present as a result of internal imbalances. Feeding a healthy, species-appropriate diet and incorporating health supplements can help to balance your pet’s gut and heal them from within!
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾Dig deep with this Vet-Guided Allergy Protocol.